Since 2010, we have taken over 1,900 veterans on their “Tour of Honor”. We have a list of local WWII, Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans waiting to go on their Honor Flight. The men and women range in age from their 70s to over 100 years old. In fact, in Fall 2021, we took six WWII veterans over 100 years old, and one who was 104 years old!
In September 2022, we launched into a new chapter by taking Vietnam War veterans. We started with with a unique group, called the Navy HA(L)-3 Seawolves, and then took a second flight of All-Vietnam veterans who all earned the Purple Heart or higher personal awards for their actions in service. Into 2023 and now in 2024, we continued to take as many WWII, Korea, and Vietnam veterans as fiscally possible. As long as there is funding, we will take as many trips as we can. Please help fund our next Honor Flight San Diego “Tour of Honor” by making a donation today!
The veteran travels at no cost to him/her due to your generous donation. Costs increase each year and currently, the cost for one veteran is approximately $3,000. The costs include charter roundtrip airfare, two nights in a hotel, charter buses, all meals and bottled water for three days, t-shirt, lanyard, Washington, D.C photo book, and so much more. The cost for one flight each year is $310,000.
Donate by Check

HFSD welcomes donations in any amount and we thank you for your support. You can make a donation in “memory” or “honor” of a special person by notating that on the memo line of the check. Also if making a donation as a Guardian, please indicate that and the name of your Veteran (if known). Make your check payable to Honor Flight San Diego, and mail it to:
Honor Flight San Diego
P.O. Box 181309
Coronado, California 92178

Donate by Credit Card
You may donate using your credit card or PayPal account. If you are making a donation in “memory” or “honor” of someone special, please insert this information under “Add special instructions to the seller.” Also if you are paying as a Guardian, please indicate that and/or the Veteran you are going with (if known).
Planned Giving

A planned gift to Honor Flight San Diego can provide valuable benefits for you or your loved ones while providing once-in-a-lifetime Tours of Honor for veterans. Your financial advisor or estate planner can help you explore all the options.
Here are just a few:
- Include Honor Flight San Diego in your will or trust
- Minimize taxation by naming Honor Flight San Diego as the beneficiary of your retirement account
- Set up a Charitable Gift Annuity, providing you with lifetime payments.
If you would like to name Honor Flight San Diego as a beneficiary of your planned gift, please use the following information and be sure to let us know!
Honor Flight San Diego
P.O. Box 181309
Coronado, California 92178
Tax ID: 27-3792604
Questions? Want to tell us about your planned gift? Call (800) 655-6997 or email us at info@honorflightsandiego.org
Stock Donation

Receive a tax deduction for using stocks as donations
When you choose to donate appreciated securities you have held more than one year, you have the opportunity to reduce or eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. Making this type of donation also entitles you to a federal income tax charitable deduction; the deduction is based on the fair market value of the securities at the time the transfer takes place.
You can donate stocks directly to Honor Flight San Diego. Choose to make a donation online, via DTC transfer, or through the organization’s weblink.
Donate Stock To Honor Flight San Diego

Create a Facebook Fundraiser
Making a Facebook fundraiser from your own page is very easy and 100% of the money raised goes to Honor Flight San Diego. Many people have done it for a birthday in lieu of gifts, or in honor or memory of someone. Our motto is “Team Work Makes The Dream Work” and we cannot keep our vets flying without your help.
Making a Facebook fundraiser from your own page is very easy and 100% of the money raised goes to Honor Flight San Diego. Many people have done it for a birthday in lieu of gifts, or in honor or memory of someone. Our motto is “Team Work Makes The Dream Work” and we cannot keep our vets flying without your help.
Ralphs Grocery Store
Do you shop at Ralphs grocery store? They are giving up to $2 million to charities this year and Honor Flight San Diego is registered as a community partner.
You can register your Ralph’s card and after you select Honor Flight San Diego as your non-profit choice, we will receive a donation based on your purchase. (Note: Cards need to be re-registered every September 1.)

The Lost Watch of D-Day
One of our beloved WWII Veterans, U.S. Army 101st Airborne Paratrooper Tom Rice, lost his original watch while exiting the aircraft over Normandy on June 6, 1944. Lucky for Tom (and now for you), the makers of the A-11 watch made the “Lost Watch of D-Day” for him and for our supporters. The watches not only look great, but they are a conversation piece AND come with some history. The bonus is that 5% of every sale is donated back to Honor Flight San Diego when you use the button below!
To purchase yours, use the button which will take you to our special page. Honor Flight San Diego will receive a donation to get more WWII veterans like Tom on THEIR Honor Flight.
Honor Flight San Diego Gear
Your purchase of official Honor Flight San Diego gear helps fund our “Tour of Honor” and promotes our mission throughout San Diego! Available items include caps, jackets, sweatshirts, DVD’s, t-shirts and polos, pins and lanyards and much more.
Honor Flight San Diego Photos
HFSD uses ZenFolio as a platform to view and purchase “Tour of Honor” photos and a portion of the proceeds supports our mission.
Your Donations are Tax Deductible!
Honor Flight San Diego is an IRS approved 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization so your donations and all of your purchases in support of our mission are tax-deductible! Tax ID# 27-3792604